( Grace, L 2013 ) 593-10 ( God Save The Queen x Fabulous Black Pearl ) 5 5/8" 36" Ev Fr E 2-3 Lats 30+ buds

The two challenges I talked about with my intro, Life Unlimited, well there's a third challenge for the hybridizer. It is patterned eyes with patterned edges and teeth. UNFOLDING MYSTERIES will be a step forward with Fabulous Black Pearl on one side and God Save The Queen on the other side. Most Of Jeff's, Elizabeth's, and Mort's daylilies have generations of pattern and teeth breeding. UNFOLDING MYSTERIES is a mauve lavender self with a black eye and edge but when it gets hot it will have creamy white teeth. This is also the parent to one of the most exciting patterned seedlings from 2013.

Fertile both ways!

$100.00 S.F.
